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Painted Ladies: The History of Female Tattoo Artists in Australia

Painted Ladies: The History of Female Tattoo Artists in Australia

Clare November Miles has spent the last three years writing her book "Painted Ladies: The history of female tattoo artists in Australia", which is the first book of its kind which seeks to show the accomplishments of outstanding Australian female tattoo artists past and present, by searching out the reason for their successes as well as the overwhelming obstacles that preclude most from achieving greatness. Interviews with historically important photos feature Australia's pioneering female tattoo artists - some well known and others never heard of. This text also recognises and highlights a few of the amazingly talented ladies from each state who are successful in the tattoo industry. They share an honest insight into how they got started, what they love and loathe, their thoughts on tattooing, gender stereotypes, media portrayals and personal stories while helping to encourage others to strive to accomplish their dreams and aspirations.

This book features interviews with the following artists: Pioneers -Kate Witter (Brown), Cathy Felton, Kiwi Kim, Lou TatuLu Conlon, Ex de Medici, Megan Oliver, Jenny Roach, Cindy Ray / Bev Robinson, Raelene Robinson, Kay Stevenson, Jodie Thoonen, Clancy Warner, Colette Withers, Australia's only female Aboriginal tattoo artist: Monica Kirk, Featured artists from each state: Anna Day, Mimsy Gleeson, Teniele Napoli, Emily Hansom, Jin Suk O, Bridget Tunstall, Nina Grierson-Jones, Clare Keton, Kate Knowle, Kendall Donaldson, Miss-Jade, Mahala, Jasmin Austin, Lauren Fenlon, Stacey Ann, Miriam 'Mim' d'Abbs, Candice Cordwell, Kai Heymer (perhaps Australia's youngest tattoo artist starting at 6 years of age).

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